Monday, May 10, 2010

Critique of "Pink Monkey"

When I initially logged onto, I was hesitant. The opening page of the site was completely confusing. There were links to click on such as “book notes” that did not actually take me to book notes, but to other search sites. When I finally found my way into the site however, I was pleased with the result. In addition to having the basics; plot, characters, and conflict, Pink Monkey went a step further. They added links such as; symbolic conflict, themes, mood, background information and historical information. It was a wealth of knowledge. Curiously, I clicked on themes. I was thrilled at what I saw. The site outlines the major themes and describes times they are used, as well as the minor themes and the mood of the play. For a student who is interested in writing a well developed paper with detailed ideas and supporting evidence, Pink Monkey is ideal. It would be much worth the hassle of getting into the site to use their fantastic knowledge base.

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